3 Tasks to Keep Your Content Relevant

19 June 2018

Regardless of how big or small your organisation is, if you do these three things every month, you’ll be much more relevant to your clients and other stakeholders and be able to provide them with valuable content.

While the actions aren’t complex, they reveal their benefits if done regularly.  In return, you will gain new insights that will help you with your planning and communications and your stakeholders will thank you.

1. Monitor your website Google analytics data monthly
If you understand what Google analytics is all about, but you are not yet using this data to inform your communications and make changes to your website, then allocate some time to do so. If you’re new to this, there are free online courses.

Analytics provides a range of information including:
• how your key pages are performing (you can see how many visits they are getting – are they as popular as they should be?)
• what traction new blog articles, videos or pages are getting
• where traffic comes from – which other websites and social media platforms are sending you referral traffic. (Once you know this, use it to adjust where you put your effort.)
• What search terms people are using to find you and much more.
You can use this information to adjust your page content, calls to action and promotion.

2. Review your website content monthly
Yes, I mean read every word, check every photo and video to see if it is still current. Nothing is more off-putting for a prospective or current client than going to your site and finding out-of-date information.

It’s also a good idea to let someone new read over it every now and then, to get a fresh perspective.

3. Keep up to date with social media changes
We all know social media platforms change a lot. You need to check regularly that the design, image sizes and algorithms haven’t changed. If they have, you should take action to adjust to the new rules, to continue to be seen and to take advantage of new opportunities.

Recent examples include the Facebook March 2018 algorithm change that means your page will be penalised for asking for likes and shares or the Linked In design change that now lets you show-off your own media.

Doing these three tasks regularly will keep your online presence current, fresh and relevant.
