Benefits of Treating Your Community as an Asset

21 January 2020

Does your organisation consider and treat your community as an asset?

Given doing so delivers benefits for both your organisation and the community, here’s some reasons why it might be time to move to more of a partnership approach.

Clarity and confidence
Those organisations that understand and involve their community express how much more clarity and confidence there is to go around; they know when they do and don’t have community support. There’s confidence among staff about the organisation’s relationships, plans and decisions. The community knows where it stands and understands the organisation’s plans.

External stakeholders have more trust in the organisation. This is closely connected to increased interest in what your organisation is doing in the community, which strengthens both the community and the organisation.

Stronger relationships
Individuals and groups feel involved and appreciated, which breaks down barriers, allowing relationships to develop.

Navigating change
Organisations that see their community as a partner can more easily navigate change, through strong relationships reduce or avoid the fall-out from potential crises, improve employee morale and build their reputations.

I have seen, time and again not-for-profits and businesses adjust how they operate after acting on input from their community and customers. Here’s one example.

That’s why consulting or involving communities underpins every service we offer.

In developing a communication strategy, stakeholders offer up perspectives and information that is valuable to the organisation. It means communication will be more targeted and effective.

When we provide strategic advice its informed by the values and needs of those affected by, or interested in, what’s being planned.

The Insight Audit is dedicated to asking your priority clients or other stakeholders how they see your organisation and how well you rate on the key elements of good relationships. The audit allows clients to tell you which elements are your strengths, which require improvement and suggestions for how you might do it.

The basis for social impact measurement approaches is to ask those involved “what changed for you?”

Once you have the answers, they may change your organisation’s plans, culture and communications for ever.

Do you consult to inform your organisation’s goals, strategies and plans? We can advise on suitable options and approaches. Give us a call to discuss your plans.
